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Thursday Thoughts September 28, 2023


Thursday Thoughts

September 28, 2023


As I write this sitting on my back porch, the hummingbirds are squabbling over the bright red flowers of a pineapple sage that I planted in a bed close to the screen. It was planted there so I could see the action that takes place this time of year. I love this plant for its pineapple-scented leaves and for its brilliant flowers that don’t even think about blooming until September. The hummers love it because of the blooming time as well. As they prepare to take off on their journey to Central or South America they fuel themselves at this fast-food plant. The flowers are even their favorite color, red. This pineapple sage comes into its glory when other flowers are fading. It provides a fresh supply of nectar and a great stopping-off point for hummers and bees alike. It is no coincidence as all of nature works on God’s schedule.


Do we ever wonder how, when, and if we how God can use us? Do we wonder what God has for us to do? In the Experiencing God Bible and personal growth study, the question was asked, “What does God want me to do today?” This is a question for all believers to ponder. A sentence from this life-changing study that stuck with me is, “Watch where God is working and join him.” We don’t have to invent another program and try to get people to join in, we need to see where the need is and join in as the Holy Spirit leads. We might need to visit someone going through a rough patch. Maybe an acquaintance needs to know that we are praying for them. Possibly the new family in the neighborhood would benefit from seeing a smiling face. I suspect there is someone who is shut in and would love a visit. Invite someone over for soup and a sandwich, it would make their day. Encourage someone to go on a walk with you. Invite that person who seems lonely for a cup of coffee at the local coffee shop. Make an extra effort to engage with a student and listen to what is going on in their life, or offer to keep a couple’s children so they can enjoy a date night.


When we are doing God’s work, we can provide for a need, give encouragement, and be a listening ear. “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27. Of course there are lots of other ways to be in service in Christ’s name but these suggestions are to get us thinking. Just like the Pineapple Sage, we can be there to provide for the needs of others at just the right time when everything seems tired and spent. We can be Christ’s link to someone else on their journey.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms”              1 Peter 4:10








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