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Thursday Thoughts November 9, 2023

Thursday Thoughts

November 9, 2023


I took a little break while doing some fall clean-up chores last week, sat down in the grass with the dog, and looked out over the garden. Living on a hillside, I have the perspective of looking at the top of some trees while sitting on the crest of the hill. Something out of the ordinary caught my eye. Curious, I got up to see if I was seeing what I thought I was seeing. Sure enough, there was a large bald-faced hornet nest in the top of a Kousa Dogwood that was now devoid of leaves. I walked under, around, and by that tree hundreds of times this summer. I even thought about taking a few limbs out of the tree with my little chainsaw. Glad I didn't do that! I had wondered why there weren't as many aphids and other pests on the plants this summer: the hornets were eating them and feeding them to their young. The nest is a marvel to behold, made of wood fibers and starches in their spittle to make the intricate patterns of their thin papery nest. The worker hornets are dead now, killed by the frost but the queen found a hiding place under some bark, brush pile, or in a building somewhere to wait out the winter.

I wonder if I would be so cavalier about the intricate nature of the nest and the benefits of the hornets had they attacked me or my dog? I may have sprayed it at night with bee killer had I known it was being built because they can be aggressive and their stings are fierce. But it was there all summer long and I just ignored this whole community of life right above my head on the garden path. I'm glad they were there and did their part to make the ecosystem of my garden more diverse. And, I'm glad they left me alone.

Are we ever guilty of ignoring the presence of God in our lives? Oh sure, we frantically call his name when we've got troubles. Do we recognize his constant abiding presence with us all the time? Or do we just go on with our everyday lives and not give God much attention?

How can we improve our awareness of His presence? First of all, we can be grateful. I know folks whose ritual it is to list things they have been grateful for before they close their eyes at night or swing their feet out of bed in the morning. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 states it succinctly, (from the Message), "Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live."

Look for God working in your life. Maybe those aren't coincidences but "Godincidences" that help us through our days. God's actions don't have to come as a bolt of lightning, they may show up as gentle as a leaf on a breeze. "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29: 13.

We can sense the presence of God in worship, music, relationships, and nature. A lovely piece of music or a breathtaking sunset can make God seem so close. Holding a baby (a dry and fed one) or living your life with the one God sent for you, proves that God loves us and is with us. "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."     "James 1:17

Scriptures are filled with the fact that God is always with us. We have God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who created us, redeemed us, and is our advocate. "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20b.

I may have been oblivious to the hornet's nest in the tree above my head all summer, but we as believers can be assured of the presence of a Holy Father that loves and looks after us. It is a goal in my life to grow ever more aware of that presence, be grateful, and share that love.





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