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Thursday Thoughts December 14, 2023

 Thursday Thoughts

December 14, 2023


Can you believe that we will light the third candle on the Advent wreath on Sunday? These weeks fly by so fast that I wish there was more time in the season to enjoy its beauty. The third candle in the traditional Advent wreath is the pink candle of Joy. The candle is pink because rose is a liturgical color for joy.

In our personal growth Advent wreath, we are going to light the pink candle for Justice. The scripture verse that pops to mind instantly is the verse from Micah 6:8. “He has told you, O Man, what is good and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God.” According to Nelson's Biblical Dictionary, Biblical justice means to make right according to the law. It also includes what makes for right relationships with God, each other, and nature.

Justice is done when honorable relations are maintained between husbands and wives, parents and children, employers and employees, neighbors, government and citizens, and God’s creation.


The prophets of the Old Testament were champions of promoting social justice. During those days, justice was often perverted by bribes, favoritism, or partiality. But God is different, he rewards all those who practice justice in their dealings with others. We see the needs of the orphan and the widowed addressed in scripture as they were among some of the most marginalized in that time. Amos wrote, “Let justice run down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.” Amos 5:24


What does Biblical justice look like in today’s world? It means addressing topics like human trafficking and fighting racism, advocating for the rights of the elderly, and seeing that children have warm clothes and shoes, it's about visiting folks in nursing homes, working with youth, and helping in food pantries and soup kitchens. It is helping families find housing. There are immigrants in our communities that might need help getting established. What would Jesus have us do?


Jesus rocked society when he preached that all people were worthy of love and respect. At that time, it was the Samaritans who were the “lesser people”. The Good Samaritan parable was a radical way of looking at someone differently. In addition, people with handicaps or leprosy were avoided at all costs but we saw how Jesus treated them. He touched and healed them. There are so many details about Jesus’ life on earth that we don’t know but I can see him in my mind’s eye embracing a leper as he pronounced him healed.



The third candle on the traditional advent wreath stands for joy. When we learn to act justly and love others as ourselves we will find joy. It may not be an easy path or one without troubles but joy will be the result of working for justice.





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