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Mid-Week-Blast, July 9, 2024

Hello Everyone,


Welcome to a Mid-Week Edition of our E-Blast.  We will also send out a Friday blast this week, but wanted to let you know a some of things a bit early.  Here goes:


Quick Announcements


Yes, there is Choir Rehearsal this week!  Wednesday, July 10, in fact.   7:00 PM in the Sanctuary.  Hope to see you there!   There will be no Choir rehearsal next week (7/17) due to the Lawn Party.  Feel free to get in some community time!


Council & Finance Committee meeting July 15th  6:30 PM  The Church Council & Finance Committees will have a combined meeting Monday, July 15th at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall.  We hope all members of these committees will be able to attend.  Scott Ridder is preparing the agenda.  Please send him committee reports and agenda items by Friday, July 12th.  


Our Outdoor Service is this coming Sunday, July 14th at the 8:30 service!!


-- We will kick off Lawn Party Week with a prayer for the lawn party and the many volunteers that work so hard that week.  If you know of a business, civic organization or individual(s) that volunteer at the Lawn Party, please invite them to worship. 


-- It's CASUAL SUNDAY all day!  Wear summer comfortable clothes to worship. 


-- Bring a lawn chair and wear sunscreen or a hat for protection from the sun. 


-- The 11:00 AM worship service will be indoors in the Sanctuary.


-- Great time to invite friends or neighbors to join us!


There's still so much good!  BEST OF ALL, God is with us! 


Grace & Peace, Pastor Mary



Dear Friends,


On June 30, the Church Council held a called meeting to discuss combining worship services for the month of August.  The proposal by the Worship Committee was approved by our Church Council. 


In August, we will have ONE worship service each Sunday at 10:00 AM. 


We would like to bring everyone together for summer worship as an experiment.  Your feedback is welcome.  We would appreciate it if you would help us spread the word.



Scott Ridder, Church Council Chair

Carolyn Van Dyck, Worship Committee Chair

What Happened to our Upper Rooms?

The long and the short of it is that our subscription got tangled up somehow at the Upper Room and they stopped sending them. 


It's a good thing we are a connectional church because we gave a shout out to our neighbors who shared some extras with us!  Thank you to Dayton UMC (Pastor Jenny Day) and Grottoes UMC (Pastor Lori Valentine) for helping us out. 


We currently have about 5 regular print and about 10 large print copies.  We welcome you pick up one here at church while supplies last.  If you need one sent to you, let us know!  (If we need more I have another idea!) Thanks for your patience.  We are planning for smooth sailing with future issues! 

Go Gleaning with Harvest of Hope

September 27-29

Harvest of Hope, part of the Society of St. Andrew, is an opportunity for hands-on service & study event.  The mission trip takes place in Lynchburg September 27 29.  The cost is $150.00 which covers lodging for 2 nights in a retreat center (which means an actual bed), meals, event staff, and materials.  More information available in the breezeway.  For questions, call Rhonda Johnson at 540-421-6603 or see

Lawn Party Outreach -- July 19th & 20th

We will be offering bottled water and providing a cool spot with restrooms for people attending the both parades and the Lawn Party.  If you would like to help, there are sign-up sheets in the breezeway. Sponsored by Reach & Relate

Church Picnic is COMING!  July 28th  5:00 PM

Our Church Picnic will be at Oakdale Park in Bridgewater on July 28th at 5:00 p.m.  We have shelter #3 reserved  Please bring one or more dishes to share.  The Nurture Committee will provide plates, napkins, utensils, water and lemonade.


We hope to see you there for an evening of fellowship and good food!


Please note:  We will not have a 4th Sunday Coffee on that day.

Bridgewater UMC is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!  

Contact Us

219 N Main Street

Bridgewater, VA 22812

Call Us : 540-828-0890

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