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E-Blast Friday, July 12, 2024

Good afternoon, everyone!


Happy Friday!  I've been looking forward to this one!  This week, I was able to use one of the gifts I received for Christmas and have my car detailed!  It has been wonderful driving around in what feels like a brand new, clean car!  For the last several years since i have owned my red Impala, I have really used it.  It has taken me to conference, trainings, on vacations.  We've gone to camp, the airport, kayaking, bike riding, shopping... to the beach, to the lake, to the river... and on mission trips (can't forget those!)  


When you have your car detailed, you have to "take out as many of your personal items as possible."  Yes.  Suddenly, all the *things* that I had in my car were in my living room!  All the "stuff" that I carry with me on a day to day basis:  my car care kit, a dozen CDs, phone chargers, three ice scrapers, fast food napkins, 5 or so pens... you can imagine.  


It reminds me of a recent Gospel story where Jesus is sending out the disciples to learn about mission.  Jesus probably thought to himself, "I wonder what they will load themselves down with when they start packing?" And then Jesus says to them specifically, "...Take nothing for your journey: no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor moneynot even an extra tunic. Whatever house you enter, stay there, and leave from there."  (Luke 9:3-4)  Jesus is encouraging the disciples to travel light and receive hospitality from others.  


Part of the call to follow Jesus, I think, includes simplicity.  At times, it's good to stop and pause and think about those things that we are carrying -- physically, mentally, spiritually -- and see if we need them.  Do they help us or weight us down?  Are those things helping us or hurting us? It's good to pray and see if we can let some things go and travel lighter as we soar with the Spirit and journey with Jesus.


If you have something that you'd like to release, here's an exercise to try:  put out your hand, palm facing up.  Picture or imagine what you would like to let go of sitting in your hand (it can be a symbol also).  Say a prayer and give it to God.  Try not to take it back, but if you do, give yourself grace.  God will take it over and over (and over and over)!  Amen!


Our Outdoor Service is This Sunday, July 14th at the 8:30 service to kick off Lawn Party Week.  We will gather for worship and pray for the lawn party and the many volunteers that work so hard that week.  If you know of a business, civic organization or individual(s) that volunteer at the Lawn Party, please invite them to worship.  Bring a lawn chair and wear sunscreen or a hat for protection from the sun.  The 11:00 AM worship service will be the same service and held indoors in the Sanctuary.  Take your pick!    


Coming in August!  Summer Combined Worship at 10 AM


On June 30, the Church Council met and approved ONE worship service on each of the Sundays in August at 10:00 AM.  We plan to return to two worship services in the month of September.  Sunday School classes will meet at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM.  Please check with your Sunday School leader to confirm the time your class meets.  (If you don't have a Sunday School class, this might be a good time to try one out!)


We welcome you to join us this Sunday in person or online!  You can access our live stream from the website (  Click on "Sermons" and then "Live Steam."  You may also join us directly on YouTube at Bridgewater UMC Virginia and click on the LIVE tab.   


To God by the Glory!  Pastor Mary

Joys and answered prayers

Claire Leeper and her family were at church on Sunday

Josie Ridder and Karen Ridder are both doing well after surgery.

We give thanks for God's grace and mercy


Current Prayer Concerns

For peace in the world, for all humanity.  For peace in the Middle East and Ukraine.

For the United Methodist Church and BUMC - its community service, its leaders  and its future.  For all churches around the world.

For our nation and all those in government.

People affected by natural disasters, storms and for those helping them

For BC and all college students, especially those needing financial aid.  For those making decisions on financial aid.

For all students, teachers and administrators in our schools.

For those with cancer and other illnesses and for their caregivers

For the health of our senior church family

For safe travels this summer

For our children and grandchildren and our families and friends

For all of the active duty members of our armed forces and for military veterans

For families dealing with depression, anxiety, mental health and addiction


PCA Assembly members - COVID outbreak

Faye Bentz  -  Rhonda Johnson's neighbor

Harold Burkholder

Sierra Coakley  -  Sharon Coakley's daughter

Kemper Dadisman

Don Gilkeson

Ben Gilmer,  Becky Downey's nephew

Bob Holden

Wilda and Jim Long

Phyllis McLellan - Rhonda Johnson's aunt

Ginny Mullinex

Luke Rexrode, Chuck and Sue Rexrode's grandson

Josie Ridder, Brad's wife / Scott and Karen's daughter-in-law

Vic Taylor

Edna Mae Wine - Katrina Davis stepmother

Lori Wine -  D.R. and Katrina Davis sister-in-law


Ongoing Prayer Needs of our Congregation

Marie Chaplin

Grace Fishback

Joanne Fisher

Betty Foley

Glen Goetz

Henry Graham

Rodney Hildebrand

Anna Keller

Barbara Kiracofe

Doris MacDaniel

Ray Michael

Shirley Michael

Mitzi Puffenbarger

Rev Luther Ramsey

Karen Ridder

Joanne Simpkins

Christie Smith

Nancy Thomas

Marcia and Gary Tyeryar

Donald Usry

Worship Volunteers
Thank you for Serving!  Sunday, July 14


8:30 - Don & Susan Gilkeson

11:00 - Judy & Jim Tongue



8:30  - Sara Walton & Kathi Hemmis

11:00 - Taylor Family



8:30 - Dan Plecker

11:00 -Jim & Judy Tongue

Audio Visual

8:30 - Scott Ridder

11:00 - Mark Kipps



8:30 - Madelyn & Nolan Gilkeson

11:00 - Taylor Family


Sanctuary Servers

8:30 -Sara & Bill Walton

11:00 -Jim & Judy Tongue


BUMC Financial Snapshot Month End

Year to Date

Month End



General & Designated Fund



General & Designated Fund







For the first 6 months, we have gone negative mostly driven by General Giving (Sunday offerings) are down $25,334 YTD. Designated contributions to our Building Fund / Painting project are $3,700. Your continued support is appreciated.

Preparing for Operation Christmas Child!

Our church will be preparing 100 Operation Christmas shoeboxes again this year. School supplies prices are quite low right now, so it is a good time to get starting filling these boxes.


We are looking for the following school supplies:


        24-pack crayons

        Black ink pens

        Pencil sharpeners

        Small notepads

        Glue sticks



You can bring your donations to church anytime; well have a collection spot ready.  


Thank you for your continued support of this important project.


Johna McFarland, Educate & Equip


DUM BUM Youth Devotion
Galatians 6:9 
Posted July 4, 2024 on

Mission Trip!  Well, first of all, we want you to know that you are welcome and invited to our Mission Trip September 27-29 in Lynchburg.  We will be working with Harvest of Hope to go gleaning in the fields and learn about hunger in our world!  Contact Rhonda Johnson if you need more information or want to go!!


Now the devotion:


And dont allow yourselves to be weary or disheartened in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest youve planted is coming!  Galatians 6:9 (TPT)

    When things are going good, its so easy to be happy. However, when things are hard, sometimes being happy and content is really hard. One good way to keep yourself encouraged is by thinking about the stories of others who kept going when things were tough.


     For example, Joseph in the Bible was in prison for a long time. He didnt deserve to be there, but he didnt give up. After a long time, he was delivered from prison and promoted. Joseph kept himself encouraged when it didnt look like anything was going to change.


     The hard part about being in a place that you dont like is that it always feels like its taking too long. Im sure Joseph felt that way being in prison year after year. He might have even wondered if God had forgotten him.


Todays Truth: God hasnt forgotten you. Stay faithful and dont give up!


     The good news is that God didnt forget him. As Joseph stayed faithful, his season of waiting was over. His promotion came, it just took time. The same is true for you. You might feel like youre waiting for what God has promised you. The good news is, God always comes through on his promises. Be encouraged, God hasnt forgotten you. God will reward you if you stay faithful and dont give up!


Reprinted from

Go Gleaning with Harvest of Hope

September 27-29

Harvest of Hope, part of the Society of St. Andrew, is an opportunity for hands-on service & study event.  The mission trip takes place in Lynchburg September 27 29.  More information available in the breezeway or on the Society of St Andrew website.  For questions, call Rhonda Johnson at 540-421-6603.

Lawn Party Outreach
July 19th & 20th

We will be offering bottled water and providing a cool spot with restrooms for people attending the both parades and the Lawn Party.  If you would like to help, there are sign-up sheets in the breezeway. Sponsored by Reach & Relate

A church-wide Picnic will take place at Oakdale Park in Bridgewater on July 28th at 5:00 p.m.  We have shelter #3 reserved  The Nurture Committee will provide plates, napkins, utensils, water and lemonade.  Please bring one or more dishes to share.  


We hope to see yoe there for an evening of fellowship and good food.


There will not be a 4th Sunday Coffee that day.

Thank you for your thoughtfulness, your cards, and your prayers at this difficult time of the passing of our dear daughter Jackie. Your caring and support are greatly appreciated. 

Blessings, Jim & Susan Barnes 


Thanks to everyone for all the prayers and cards I have received during my recent surgery and recovery.  They are certainly appreciated!

                                                                                                  ---Don Gilkeson

Grace Fishbck has moved to the Bridgewater Retirement Community. 

Her new address is:


302 N. Second Street

Gardner House, Room 103

Bridgewater, VA  22812


She enjoys cards, calls (540-828-2138) and visits.  You are welcome to visit any time.

Birthday & Anniversary Blessings!
July 14-20, 2024

Happy Birthday to:


15 - Jordan McCammon

15 - Dennis Kenney

16 - Dave Wachter

17 - Tracy Wright

17 - Victor Gomez

18 - Molly Wright

18 - Ryan Kiracofe

18 - Katilin Click

20 - Scott Flora


Happy Anniversary to:


14 - Dan & Stephany Plecker

14 - Jim & Debbie Harris

16 - Fontaine & Martha Canada


Our Calendar July 14-21, 2024

SUN -   Worship on the Lawn @ 8:30 AM

             Worship  in the Sanctuary @ 11:00 AM

             Sunday School for All Ages


MON - 6:30 PM Joint Council & Finance Committee Meeting (Fellowship Hall)


WED -    9:30 AM Prayer Team (Library)

              NO Choir Practice


WED - SAT  Bridgewater Lawn Party


NEXT SUN - Worship at 8:30 AM & 11 AM

                      Sunday School for all ages 

Bridgewater UMC is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!  

Contact Us

219 N Main Street

Bridgewater, VA 22812

Call Us : 540-828-0890

Copyright 2024. Bridgewater United Methodist Church, All Rights Reserved.