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E-Blast Friday, August 2, 2024
Sunday's Worship Service is @ 10 AM
Sunday School is @ 9 AM

Devotion from Pastor Mary


Hello everyone!  Happy Friday!


This Sunday we welcome the InMotion Summer Praise Dancers with a presentation on the story of Joseph.  Josephs life is told in detail in Genesis chapters 29-50.  It is important because Joseph and his brothers become the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel.  It is one of the more detailed stories in scripture.


You know that I enjoy Broadway musicals and I can hardly think about the story without thinking of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat by Andrew Lloyd Weber.  The presentation we will see on Sunday by the InMotion Dancers will be quite different. 


 Weber tells the story of Joseph through the theme of dreams.  The show opens with a song about what Joseph is dreaming that his life will be.   It continues by exploring the dreams that he interprets for his brothers and in the household of Potiphar.  In the end (spoiler alert!) Josephs dream of being reunited with his family and and helping them survive the famine come true.  


Did you know that Andrew Lloyd Weber (who also wrote Evita, Phantom of the Opera, and Jesus Christ Superstar) wrote Joseph in High School?  Isnt that incredible?  He got an idea and started to hear music.  God gave Weber quite a talent from a young age.


God gave Joseph a vision and it took a while for that vision to be fulfilled, with many twist and turns, with hardships and perils.  Through it all, Joseph was growing in faith and maturing in wisdom.  I wonder what themes and lessons we will learn and remember as we experience this story on Sunday?  Will it speak to the dreams we have for our church and visioning for the fall?  Will we hear a message about our young people their dreams?  What wisdom might we discern?  I cant wait to see you at 9 AM (for Sunday School) or 10 AM for Worship on Sunday!


Starting THIS SUNDAY!! August Summer Combined Worship at 10 AM


On June 30, the Church Council met and approved ONE worship service on each of the Sundays in August at 10:00 AM.  Most Sunday School classes will meet at 9:00 AM.  The Faith Bible Class will meet at 8:45 AM.  We plan to return to two worship services in the month of September.  


This Sunday, we welcome the In Motion Summer Praise Dancers with a special presentation on the life of Joseph.  You won't want to miss it.  Late Breaking News:  Join us after worship in the Fellowship Hall for refreshments!  


Painting Update  Our painting project is done!  Thank you to Black Brothers Painting for completing this project.  Thanks for your flexibility and patience with things that have been shifted and moved!


We welcome you to join us this Sunday in person or online!  You can access our live stream from the website (  Click on "Sermons" and then "Live Steam."  You may also join us directly on YouTube at Bridgewater UMC Virginia and click on the LIVE tab.   


To God by the Glory!  Pastor Mary

Joys and answered prayers

Katie and Drew,  Noelle and Kendal welcomed daughter and sister Quinn Newman on 7/28.


Benjamin Guy Mayes, Claude Martell's grandchild and son of Ryan and Margaret Mayes, was born 7/21/2024


Davy Curry is doing well and is done with surgeries - thanks be to God for his recovery.


Vic Taylor is doing better and was at church last week


We give thanks for God's grace and mercy


Prayers of sympathy for the family of:

Larry Barber

Joe Kern, Chuck Kern's nephew


Current Prayer Concerns

For peace and civility in our country and in the world, for all humanity.  For peace in the Middle East and Ukraine.

For the United Methodist Church and BUMC - its community service, its leaders  and its future.  For all churches around the world.

For our nation and all those in government.

People affected by natural disasters, storms and for those helping them

For BC and all college students, especially those needing financial aid.  For those making decisions on financial aid.

For all students, teachers and administrators in our schools.  New teachers and staff at Rocktown HS.

For those with cancer and other illnesses and for their caregivers

For the health of our senior church family

For safe travels this summer

For our children and grandchildren and our families and friends

For all of the active duty members of our armed forces and for military veterans

For families dealing with depression, anxiety, mental health and addiction


Hunt Asbury, Claude Martell's daughter's boyfriend's father

Faye Bentz, Rhonda and John Johnson's neighbor

Deidra Hill

Bob Holden

Mark Lambert

Mitzi and Bob Puffenbarger

Vic Taylor

Worship Volunteers
Thank you for Serving!  Sunday, August 4


B.J. Jenkins & Bettye Newman



Ed & Marc Craun



InMotion Summer Praise Dancers

Audio Visual

Tony Mancari



Madelyn & Nolan Gilkeson


Sanctuary Server

Sue Rexrode

New Director of DUMBUM Ministries -

Introducing Jomo Johnson

The SPRC is excited to announce that along with Dayton UMC's SPRC, we have hired Jomo (Jo) Johnson to be our Director of Youth Ministries for the DUMBUMs effective August 1, 2024. Jo comes to us from Arlington, VA and has a variety of experience in youth ministry and a love for young people. A graduate of Westminster Seminary with a Masters of Divinity, Jomo combines his theological training with a passion for youth work. Jomo is also a published author, known for his book Letters To Charles.


He has a unique dedication to youth ministry and an innovative approach that he believes will inspire and support the spiritual growth of youth in our local community. Look for updates from Jo in the near future. Please join us in welcoming Jo in this new role. You may email him at - Dawn Kern, SPRC Chair

New Director of Children's Ministries - Joey Capuano!

The SPRC is excited to announce that Joey Capuano will be our new Director of Children's Ministries effective August 1, 2024. Joey is a familiar face at BUMC and is always willing to share his many gifts and talents with us all. We know that he will do a great job in this ministry as well. His position will entail growing and envisioning a comprehensive program (spiritual formation, Christian education, nurturing discipleship and mission) for children preK-5th grade. Look for updates from Joey regarding upcoming events for our BUMC children in the near future. Please join us in welcoming Joey in this new role. - Dawn Kern, SPRC Chair

Join us for Lunch on August 25th

Following the 10 AM worship service on Sunday, August 25th please join us in the Fellowship Hall for a light summer lunch sponsored by the Church Council and the SPRC. The menu will consist of a variety of sandwiches, salads, fruit, veggies, chips and desserts. There will be a free will offering to benefit the BUMC Painting Project that has recently been completed. It will be a wonderful time of food and fellowship as we kick off the new school year. Hope to see you there! 


Go Gleaning with Harvest of Hope

September 27-29

Harvest of Hope, part of the Society of St. Andrew, is an opportunity for hands-on service & study event.  The mission trip takes place in Lynchburg September 27 29.  More information available in the breezeway or on the Society of St Andrew website.  Everyone is invited, especially our youth!  For questions, call Rhonda Johnson at 540-421-6603.

Thank you from Reese Leach:  Sydney and I are thankful to go to Camp Overlook.  We went the full week in Adventure Quest and enjoyed rock climbing and canoeing.  Ansley went to Mini-Camp this week and she wished she could have stayed a full week!  Thank you to BUMC for supporting us!  


Thank you from Linda Looney:  Thank you for all your cards and prayers while I have been on this journey with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).  I give God all the praise and glory for the progress I have made.  May God's abundant love and grace be with you!  Thank you again for your kindness and thoughtfulness.  


Thank you! from UMCOR Global Ministries  The dear people you just helped with your gift to UMCOR may never have the opportunity to meet you, but if they did, I am certain their response would be - thank you!  And through your financial support you are serving within a vital network of interactive relationships in the U.S. and in more than 60 countries in which UMCOR and partnering agencies engage in direct ministry to persons in need. May we continue to reveal the love of God for men, women, and children of all ethnic, racial, cultural, and national backgrounds and demonstrate the healing power of the gospel with those who suffer.

Birthday & Anniversary Blessings!
August 4-10, 2024

Happy Birthday to:


5 - Caroline Cubbage

9 - Jerry Swecker

9 - Andy Smith

10 - Doris MacDaniel


Happy Anniversary to:


6 - Ed & Betsy Craun

6 - Kevin & Julie Kunowsky

6 - Todd & Amy Slaubaugh

8 - Sam & Ann Teter

Our Calendar August 4-11, 2024

***Please Note the time change for Worship & Sunday School in August***


SUN -  9:00 AM Sunday School for all ages 

            10:00 AM Summer Combined Worship

             Refreshments served in the Fellowship Hall!  


MON - 6:30 PM Ruritan Club Meeting (Fellowship Hall)


TUE - 6:30 PM Valley Radio Controlled Flying Club (New Beginnings)


WED -  9:30 AM Prayer Team (Library)

             12:00 PM Lunch & Conversation at Bridgewater Retirement Community

                          (Shenandoah Room at BRC)


NEXT SUN - 9:00 AM Sunday School for all ages 

                      10:00 AM Summer Combined Worship

Bridgewater UMC is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!  

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219 N Main Street

Bridgewater, VA 22812

Call Us : 540-828-0890

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