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E-Blast Friday, August 23, 2024
Sunday's Worship Service is @ 10 AM
Sunday School is @ 9 AM 


Hello everyone!  Happy Friday!  Grace and Peace!


This Sunday (8/25) is already Back to School Sunday!  (Wow!)  This always means that there is a lot going on and lots of information to pass along to you!  This Blast is packed with good news of things going on!


Announcing:  September Worship will be at 10 AM 


The first (and probably most important) news is that our Church Council voted on a recommendation from the Worship Committee to extend our 10 AM worship time through September.  The comments the Worship Committee received were very positive about the 10 AM worship time.  We feel we should continue the trial into September to let everyone get back from summer vacations and back to their regular routines.  We are still taking your comments... (see next)


Receiving Your Comments on Worship! 


The Worship Committee is seeking your comments, joys, concerns, questions about worship.  There are cards available in worship or just write down your comments.  Put the cards in the offering plate or drop them off in the office.  We will also take email and text.  There will not be a "form" just let us know what you think.  Comments should be directed to the Worship Committee, Carolyn VanDyck, Chair.   


This Sunday (August 25th): We will have our Backpack Blessing this Sunday! 


All students and adults involved in school and education, please bring your backpack or school bag for a blessing this school year!  This means - students at all levels - and teachers, administrators, aides, counselors, bus drivers, all kinds of school workers -- bring your backpacks to worship!  *ALSO* join us for a luncheon following the worship service in the Fellowship Hall (see the announcement below).  Joe Johnson, our new youth leader, will be available to meet all of you at the worship service and luncheon.  


Next Sunday, September 1st, we will welcome Rev. Jim Harris as our guest speaker!  Jim will deliver the message in worship and also lead communion.  I am planning to be out of town for the weekend.  


I can't wait to see you at 9 AM (for Sunday School) or 10 AM for Worship on Sunday!


We welcome you to join us this Sunday in person or online!  You can access our live stream from the website (  Click on "Sermons" and then "Live Steam."  You may also join us directly on YouTube at Bridgewater UMC Virginia and click on the LIVE tab.   


To God by the Glory!  Pastor Mary

Joys and answered prayers

For God's grace through trials and worries

We give thanks for God's grace and mercy


Prayers of sympathy for the family of:

Three people from Florida killed in a train / car collision in Stuarts Draft 8/12

Man killed in accident on Dinkle Road 8/13

Opal Nelson and Carolun Cildress, killed in accident in Weyers Cave

Deloris, dear friend, like a daughter, to Doris MacDaniel


Current Prayer Concerns

For peace and civility in our country and in the world, for all humanity.  For peace in the Middle East and Ukraine.

For the United Methodist Church and BUMC - its community service, its leaders  and its future.  For all churches around the world.

For our nation and all those in government.

People affected by natural disasters, storms and for those helping them

For BC and all college students, especially those needing financial aid.  For those making decisions on financial aid.

For all students, teachers and administrators in our schools.  New teachers and staff at Rocktown HS.

For those with cancer and other illnesses and for their caregivers

For the health of our senior church family

For safe travels this summer and for those on summer vacations

For our children and grandchildren and our families and friends

For all of the active duty members of our armed forces and for military veterans

For families dealing with depression, anxiety, mental health and addiction


Danielle Bennington

Scott Ridder

Marcia and Gary Tyeryar - moving to Assisted Living 8/26


Ongoing Prayer Needs of our Congregation

Harold Burkholder

Karen Chamblee

Grace Fishback

Joanne Fisher

Betty Foley

Glen Goetz

Henry Graham

Rodney Hildebrand

Deidra Hill

Bob Holden

Anna Keller

Barbara Kiracofe

Doris MacDaniel

Ray Michael

Shirley Michael

Rev Luther Ramsey

Karen Ridder

Joanne Simpkins

Vic Taylor

Nancy Thomas

Donald Usry

Worship Volunteers
Thank you for Serving!  Sunday, August 25


Leach Family



Dawn & Chuck Kern



Dan Plecker

Audio Visual

Sam Briggs



Sydney & Reese Leach


Sanctuary Servers

Don & Sue Gilkeson

Join us for Lunch THIS Sunday! (Aug 25th)

Following the 10 AM worship service on Sunday, August 25th please join us in the Fellowship Hall for a light summer lunch sponsored by the Church Council and the SPRC. The menu will consist of a variety of sandwiches, salads, fruit, veggies, chips and desserts. There will be a free will offering to benefit the BUMC Painting Project that has recently been completed. It will be a wonderful time of food and fellowship as we kick off the new school year. Hope to see you there! 

Clothes Closet Update

The BUMC team had a busy night at the Clothes Closet on Tuesday, August 20th serving 27 families/78 children. 7 of the families were brand new to the Closet. As the weather is beginning to change, we will be switching over to our Fall/Winter clothing. As you (or a family member/friend) begin to clean out closets keep the children at the Closet in mind. We are always needing clothing from infant sizes to teens for boys and girls. This time of year jeans and sweatshirts are especially a hit. There is a red hamper in the lower staircase where you can put your donations. We are always in need of socks and underwear as well - especially for the boys.  There is a pink tub in the main hallway for these. Thank you for your continued support of this ministry as we share the love of Christ. One mom remarked last night that she could not thank us enough for all that we do! 


- Dawn Kern and the BUMC team 

Moment of Devotion & Prayer

from Pastor Mary

I thought you might enjoy this poem for your devotion this week.  To me, it is a call to prayer.  It was shared with me by the Kindred Project, a group that meets for contemplative prayer each week. 




In the infinity of night skies

in the free flashing of lightning

in whirling elemental winds

you are God.


In the impenetrable mists of dark clouds

in the wild gusts of lashing rain

in the ageless rocks of the sea

you are God and I bless you.


You are in all things

and contained by no thing.

You are the Life of all life

and beyond every name.

You are God and in the eternal mystery I praise you.


     --John Phillip Newell, Celtic Benediction: Morning and Night Prayer

OCC School Supply "Progress Report"

Thanks to everyone who contributed to our school supply drive for our 100 Operation Christmas Child  boxes this year.  We have met our goal for pencils, pens, erasers, pencil sharpeners, crayons and glue sticks.  Yay!!  We still need:


50 small note pads

50 pairs of school scissors


In September, we will focus on collecting the hygiene items for our boxes.  We will need 100 of each of the following items:  combs, washcloths, bars of soap, soap holders (boxes), toothbrushes, and toothbrush holders.


We truly appreciate your help with this important project for our church!

Let's Help Restock the

Bridgewater Interfaith Food Pantry!

Bridgewater Interfaith Food Pantry is in need of donations.  Everything is welcome, but cereal, pasta sauce, macaroni and cheese, canned pasta, cereal, peanut butter, and dried beans are especially needed.  


Thank you for your support.


BUMC Financial Snapshot Month End

Year to Date

Month End



General & Designated Fund



General & Designated Fund







The $22,603 deficit is mainly driven by our $18,600 painting project coupled with General Giving being down.  Designated contributions to our Building Fund/Paining project are $4,300.  Your continued support is appreciated.

News about the

UWF (United Women in Faith) Reading Program

Thank you to everyone reading the UWF books on the Reading Cart.  We have some very good books on many subjects.  Some are informative, some are just really good stories.  Keep reading, and if you are working toward a Reading Program Plan, please have your report to me by August 25.  You can find a form in the container on the cart.


If you want more information about our Reading Program, find me and I will answer any questions you might have.  Also, if anyone has a book checked out that they are finished with, please return it to the basket beneath the shelves.


Thank you. Kathi Hemmis



I'm Joe Johnson, your new Youth Director. I'm excited to meet all of you and to start this journey together! I'll be in worship on August 25th and would love to connect with each of you. I wanted to share our new youth group schedule here in advance in order to stay up to date on all that is going on. Please see the three month schedule via the link below. This schedule will also be provided via print, and I encourage all parents to spend about 20 minutes going through it, as it also doubles as a daily devotion guide for both parents and teens.




Next Youth Group Meeting: Thursday: Aug 29th: 5:30pm to 7pm.

Teen BBQ< Frisbee, GAMES, Intro Meeting

Location: Dayton UMC 

(Parents are welcome to hang around...and help flip burgers.)

Please RSVP By This Sunday, 8.25/24


Theme For The Year: 7 Things Every Teenager Should Know...Now!


This year, our theme will be 7 Things Every Teenager Should Know...Now. This is a fun, interactive, and informative study, adapted from Andy Stanleys: 7 Checkpoints, that will challenge teens to focus on 7 life principles that will help navigate their day, week, month, and years as a young person. See 3 month schedule for more detail.


You're The Real MVP: Church Participation Award


Something amazing happens whenever God's people gather together. This is especially true for young people! That is why we are starting our CPA Monthly award. Starting Sept 1st, this awards the best Church/Youth Group/Challenge Participation each month. Each teenager with the highest number, we will get concert tickets for you and a friend to see your favorite artist (with parental consent). This is a great way to find accountability and challenge yourself to show, grow, and go!


P.S. There are also weekly prizes and challenges for teens. (See 3 month schedule guide.)


Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to schedule a short zoom call. My number is 240-328-5847. Feel free to text. Or email me at


Thank you, Joe


Youth Group Volunteers Needed

Hey everyone, Were looking for some awesome adults to join our DUMBUM Youth Ministry Team and help lead our bi-weekly Thursday Youth Group meetings and Sunday evening Teen Zoom Call. Whether you've got tons of experience or are brand new to youth ministry, wed love to have you on board!

What's Involved?
- Thursday Youth Group (Bi-Weekly): We meet every other Thursday, and we need some extra hands to help make these nights fun, engaging, and meaningful for our teens. Training is provided, and having fun is mandatory!
Sunday Teen Zoom Call (7 PM): Starting on the 29th, were launching a 15-minute weekly check-in and devotion on Zoom for teens who cant join us in person. Ill be hosting the first few calls, but I'm looking for volunteers to help facilitate. The goal is to eventually pass this off to a teen leader, but we need some adults to help kick it off.

If you're passionate about investing in the next generation and want to make a difference in the lives of our teens, wed love to have you join us. Even if you can only commit to one of these events, your help would be greatly appreciated!

Please reach out to me if you're interested or have any questions.

Join Us for the Sunday Night Teen Zoom Call!

Hey Teens,

We are excited to connect with you every Sunday night at 7 PM EST for a quick 15 minute check-in, some gratitude sharing, and a moment of prayer. It's a great way to start your week off right!  Ages 12-18 are welcome. Just scan the QR code to join.


Hosted by Youth Ministry Team (YMT) Adults

Backpack Ministry is Gearing Up for Another Year

BUMCs Backpack Ministry is gearing up for another year of service, and we need your help!  This ministry makes a direct impact on the lives of children in our local schools.  Each week, our team shops, packs, and delivers nearly 50 bags of groceries to students whose access to food on weekends is otherwise scarce.  We are requesting monetary and food donations, as well as new and eager volunteers to join our team!  Please prayerfully consider a contribution to help sustain this outreach to our schools.  


To donate, make checks payable to Bridgewater United Women in Faith with Backpack Ministry listed on the memo.  Food items needed (must be individually packaged) include: chicken noodle soup cans,

vegetable soup cans,

applesauce cups,

fruit cups,

popular brand cereals,

granola bars,

nutri-grain bars,

jello snack packs,

pudding cups,


juice boxes,

microwavable kraft mac & cheese cups,

microwave popcorn. 


Please reach out to Jessi ( and Stephanie ( to coordinate donations or to join our amazing volunteer team!  Thank you for your consideration.

Go Gleaning with Harvest of Hope

September 27-29

Harvest of Hope, part of the Society of St. Andrew, is an opportunity for hands-on service & study event.  The mission trip takes place in Lynchburg September 27 29.  More information available in the breezeway or on the Society of St Andrew website.  Everyone is invited, especially our youth!  For questions, call Rhonda Johnson at 540-421-6603.

Birthday & Anniversary Blessings!
August 25-31, 2024