Good Afternoon, Everyone! It's still a great day in Jesus Christ!
1) The good news is that the phones are back up! They just needed to be reset and we know how to do that now. (Yay!) Thank you for your patience and we are up and running once again.
2) Let's get ready for our Steel Candey Concert on September 15th!
First of all, most of all, we hope you will COME & ENJOY! Please bring a lawn chair and invite a friend. Share the flyer (attached) with someone. Forward this e-mail. YOU are the way the word gets out! YOU are the way the love of God is spread!
Then, we could use some help!
Set Up Crew - 30 minutes after worship
Help move 2 tables, set up 25-30 chairs, put out trash cans
During the Concert
We need someone to receive donations.
People to answer general questions and invite people to worship & events.
We have cooks & dinner servers. Let us know if you want to offer additional hands there!
Clean Up Crew - 30 minutes after the concert
Move 2 tables back into church
Take up folding chairs and put away
Bring in trash cans
Pick up any additional trash on the lawn
There is a sign up sheet in the hallway at church OR email Michelle at
This will be a wonderful evening out and a great community event. Thank you in advance for all the ways you have already supported this outreach! Let's let our light SHINE!