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Bridgewater UMC Mini-Blast January 13, 2025

Updates & Reminders for this Week

How to Help in California

LA Fires Litany and Prayer



How should we in Bridgewater, VA respond to the fire disaster in Los Angeles and surrounding areas? First of al, pray!  


Leader: God, our refuge and our strength, our ever-present help in the time of trouble, we pray this day for all who are experiencing loss from the Los Angeles fires.
People: God, you have promised never to leave us or forsake us. We need you now.

L: Today, we mourn with sisters, brothers, and all siblings who have lost:
P: Homes
L: Businesses
P: Possessions
L: Loved Ones
P: Hope

L: We pray for those whose homes have been destroyed.
P: Shelter them.
L: For those whose possessions have been lost.
P: Provide for them.
L: For those whose livelihoods have been disrupted.
P: Sustain them.
L: For those whose next steps are uncertain.
P: Shepherd them.
L: For those who grieve
P: Comfort them.

L: Today, we also pray for the first responders:
P: Give them strength and endurance for the daunting task.
L: We pray for government officials:
P: Give them wisdom, care and resources that people need.
L: We pray for the people as they work to rebuild their lives:
P: Give them hope, clarity and perseverance.
L: We pray for the Church:

P: May our hearts break open with compassion, generosity and swift action.
L: The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on us today
P: To bind up the brokenhearted, to comfort all who mourn
L: To provide for those who grieve in the greater Los Angeles area
P: To bestow on them a reminder of Gods favor instead of ashes
L: The oil of joy instead of mourning
P: And a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair
L: This is the day that will come
P: And we will journey there together
L: And until that day, through the wind and the flames, and through our solidarity and service, may we be reminded of Gods still small voice:
P: That we are Beloved. Amen.

For more information about the fires and how the United Methodist Church is responding and If you want to donate funds to California fire relief efforts, here are some ways to do so:


1)  UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, responds to disasters all over the world.  UMCOR is already at work helping people who need it the most in California and so many other places.  Their website is and there is a secure way to donate on their website.


2) The United Methodist Conference that is affected is the California-Pacific Conference.  Their website is  There is news on their site, there are prayer resources and ways to give on their site.  You can give securely and directly to their site.


3) Write a check to BUMC and put California Fire Relief in the memo and we will forward your donation to these organizations that are already working. 


As always with relief efforts of any kind, this will be an ongoing situation of recovery and rebuilding.  If you hear of ways to help, please let us know!  


Pastor Mary

DUMBUM Youth Video Update! 

Here is a video update from Jomo Johnson, DUMBUM Youth Director!  Give it a watch!

This video is posted on our website on the Youth Page and church YouTube page if you want to go to either of these sites directly!

Marie Chaplin will be celebrating her 100th birthday on January 14th!  Lets shower her with at least that many cards! Her address at BRC is:

302 N. Second St. AL 121,  Bridgewater, VA 22812

Robert (Bob) Gaines will be celebrating his 100th birthday on January 25th!  Let's host a card shower for Bob, too!!   His address at BRC is:

302 N. Second St.,  Bridgewater, VA 22812

Joint Church Council & Finance Meeting

TONIGHT, January 13 at 6:30 PM (Fellowship Hall)

Dear Council & Finance Members,


Happy New Year and I hope you're staying warm and safe.  I wanted to remind you that we have a Church Council meeting at 6:30 on Monday, Jan 13 in the Fellowship Hall. The Finance Committee will be joining us as well. Please send me your agenda items to  Agenda items were due Thursday at 5 PM, but please send me any additional thoughts/reports/items this weekend. 


Also, please email me or bring your 2025 calendar dates for events and meetings, so we can get them on the church calendar.  We will include them within the agenda for Monday's meeting. 


Many thanks,  Scott Ridder

Our Calendar This Week

MON          6:30 PM Joint Church Council & Finance Meeting

                  (Fellowship Hall)


TUE           7 PM Bible Study & New Member Class (Library)


WED          10 AM Prayer Team (Library)

                   12:00 PM Soup & You (Fellowship Hall)

                   6 PM Handbell Practice

                   7 PM Choir Rehearsal


THUR         5 PM DUMBUM Youth Meeting at Dayton UMC


NEXT         9 AM Sunday School  

SUNDAY  10 AM Worship

                   7 PM Youth Zoom

Bridgewater UMC is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!  

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219 N Main Street

Bridgewater, VA 22812

Call Us : 540-828-0890

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