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Bridgewater UMC E-Blast January 18, 2025

Putting On Christ - Galatians 3:26-27


Our Hymn #609 in the United Methodist Hymnal affirms this verse from Galatians chapter 3.  Sometimes we use it in worship to celebrate a baptism or with Baptism Renewal Sunday  It goes, "You have put on Christ, in Christ you have been baptized.  Alleluia! Alleluia!"  Simple and powerful.  Alleluia indeed!


It has been so cold lately!  We have had snow and children have been out to play in the snow and adults have been out to clear the snow.  Some people have had to be out working outside in this weather.  I had a friend who used to say, "No bad weather, only bad clothing."  I think he learned to say that when traveling in Germany.  Even HE said, "Nope, it's too cold!" We took the children ice skating and we were laughing that we had a hard time recognizing each other under the coats and hats and scarves and hoods.  We bundled up!


Paul wrote to the Galatians that when we are baptized, we "put on Christ."  I'm not sure Paul knew about snow, but he knew about putting on extra layers when the temperature dropped I'm sure.  Even deserts can become cold at night.  So he used this image of wearing Christ, of Christ changing us from the outside in.  Baptism changes us.  Baptism changes our inner appearance and our outer appearance.  Baptism changes our hearts and souls and minds.  


What does this mean for us?  It means that when God names us and claims us in our baptism and we put on the name Christian, we live differently.  We see people as Christ sees them and we present Christ to the world.  Does it make us kinder?  More compassionate?  More generous?  Do we listen more deeply?  How do our relationships change when we put on Christ?  Do we read the Gospels more?  There are not easy answers and we seek the way through Jesus Christ!   I encourage you to spend some time considering and praying about these things.


This Sunday, as we come to the baptismal font and renew our baptism. we remember the words of God spoken over Jesus and over us, "You are my beloved child, in whom I am well pleased." 


Blessings, Pastor Mary

Please continue to share the good news that worship time is at 10 AM & invite friends and neighbors to Sunday School at 9 AM and joyful, meaningful worship at 10 AM! 


Worship in January is all about beginning a new year focused on God & following Jesus Christ!  If you did not get a "star word" for 2025, there are some left a church.  Please feel free to pick one up or let me know if you want one saved for you!


This Sunday, (Jan 26) we will celebrate Jesus' baptism and remember our own baptism that names us and claims us as God's children.  Wherever you are on your faith journey, you are welcome.   


Coming in February


February 2 - We will share in Holy Communion together.


February 9 - A Love Service led by the children!


February 16 - Rev. Victor Gomez will be our guest speaker.


Let's grow together in 2025!   Blessings, Pastor Mary


Joys and Answered Prayers

Marie Chaplin and Bob Gaines celebrate their 100th birthdays in January

We give thanks for God's grace and mercy


Prayers of sympathy for:

The family & friends of Daniel Mayer, a friend of Mary Dadisman


Current Prayer Concerns

For the people affected by the Los Angeles fires and for safety and protection for those fighting and fleeing the fires.

For our nation, the changing of presidents, and may God bless America

For peace in Ukraine and the Middle East and for all of the people living there

May there be peace on earth, and may it begin with us

The people of North Carolina, Florida, and other states affected by weather events and fires

For Bridgewater UMC - for growth in spirit and faith

For all of the active duty members of our armed forces, for veterans and for our first responders

Our children and grandchildren and our families and friends

For college, high school, middle school and elementary students - for their learning and grades

For better health and more strength.  For successful medical treatments

For patience.  For strength to spread the gospel even when it's hard

Help us to put God first in everything we do

Those who think that God has deserted them in the midst of today's world circumstances

For people and families dealing with depression and anxiety, with mental illness and with addiction

For less death in our family, for peace and grace in facing grief and loss


Mary Glover

Gregg Kiracofe

Rodney Hildebrand

Jerry Judy

Rick Ours

Bonnie Snook

Lyla Waterstreet

Terri Vance


Ongoing Prayer Needs of our Congregation

Danielle Bennington

Georgia Lee Byerly

Don Capuano

Grace Fishback

Joanne Fisher

Betty Foley

Glen Goetz

Henry and Dorice Graham

Deidra Hill

Barbara Kiracofe

Dorothy Lion

Doris MacDaniel

Ray Michael

Shirley Michael

Rev Luther and Dot Ramsey

Joanne Simpkins

Sandra Stroud

Vic Taylor

Nancy Thomas

Marcia and Gary Tyeryar

Donald Usry

Worship Volunteers for this Sunday, Jan 26 (4th Sun)


Greeters  Leach family

Ushers Dick & Janice Harper

Reader Dawn Kern

Audio-Visual Sam Briggs

Acolytes Sydney & Reese Leach

Sanctuary Servers Don & Sue Gilkeson

 Bible Study & New Member Class

THIS WEEK, Tuesday, January 28th at 11:00 AM in the Library


What does it mean to be United Methodist?  Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, & Witness!  We are offering the Bible Study The Disciples Path by Jim Harnish.  Everyone is welcome!  We are meeting on Tuesdays at 11:00 AM in the Library.  Please sign up in the breezeway, or let the office know of your interest and your availability.  Blessings!  Here comes 2025!

Robert (Bob) Gaines will be celebrating his 100th birthday on January 25th!  Let's host a card shower for Bob!!   His address at BRC is:

302 N. Second St.,  Bridgewater, VA 22812

DUMBUM Youth News! from Jomo Johnson

Here's what's coming up for youth!


Thursday, Jan 30th

 Where: Bridgewater UMC
 When: 5pm
 What: Meal, Games, and Message


Theme"The Joy of Having God as Father"
Come join us for an evening of fun, fellowship, and faith! Well enjoy a delicious meal together, play exciting games, and dive into a meaningful message about the incredible joy and comfort of knowing God as our Heavenly Father.

Invite your friends, and lets make it a night to remember!
We cant wait to see you there!

Please RSVP - email or text Jomo


Saturday, Feb 22nd

  • Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Location: Harrisonburg Baptist Church, Main St., H'burg
  • Activity: Meal prep and packing bag lunches for the needy at Harrisonburg Baptist Church. Lets show Gods love in action!
  • Led by Amanda Taylor
  • 4 Teens Required & one adult volunteer.
  • RSVP - email or text Jomo!

Coming .... Youth Sunday! March 9th

  • Event: Youth Sunday at Bridgewater UMC
  • Time: Sunday Worship, 10 AM
  • Details:
    • We need teens to sign up for Scripture readings and prayers.
    • Each teen will be asked to share a testimony of what God and faith have meant to them over the past year.
    • Practice writing your testimony letters in youth group meetings.

We look forward to seeing you all at these events! Lets come together to grow in faith and fellowship.


Every Sunday at 7:00 PM!

Don't forget our check-in Zoom every Sunday at 7:00 PM.  Contact Jomo if you need the link!


Blessings,  Jomo (240) 328-5847

Hi, BUMC kiddos, friends, and families! 
Thank you for all of your support for our January skating event! We had a blizzard!  
Here is what's coming up! We are SO excited!
February  Sunday, February 9 Love Service  
On Sunday, February 9, the children will be singing with Joan, the adult choir, and me as we present a Love Service with children's Bible Songs relating to Love. What better way to ring in the week of Valentines Day?!? 
We will be rehearsing these Songs during Children's Sunday School in the month of January and February. Rehearsing will start on Sunday, January 26 from 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM. The Sunday School teachers will bring the kiddos up from the classroom to rehearse in the choir room with Joey and Joan. If you are not there for Sunday School, feel free to still come to rehearsal! Any kid is welcome to join!)
March stay tuned for info on a St. Patrick's Day event!  
April An AWESOME month! 
1.) Sun, April 13 Palm Sunday Service 
The children will be participating in the palm Procession and singing with the adult choir with songs where we can proclaim Hosanna!
2.) Sun, April 13 Easter Egg Hunt & BUMC Community Potluck Dinner at Oakdale Park  
- At 4:00 PM on Palm Sunday afternoon, all children are invited to Oakdale Park (shelter # TBD) for a fantastic Easter Egg Hunt!  The DUMBUM Youth Group will be hiding these goodies, so we know there will be good hiding places!
- At 5:00 PM, following the Easter Egg Hunt (shelter # TBD), all BUMC community members, friends, and family are invited to our Pre - Easter Potluck Dinner. This will be such a fun way to start out our spring break for Rockingham County Public School kiddos and families, and we just want a way to celebrate Easter together. this way, families can celebrate Easter as a Church and then be free to travel and / or celebrate the actual Easter weekend in their own ways. We will invite all community members to bring a dish / food / beverage item to share!
As Pastor Mary always says, GOD IS GOOD! Lets continue to share THIS MOST AWESOME TRUTH with all the world!
As always, your friend in Faith, Hope, and Love, Joey

Another Service Opportunity

Augusta Health Hospice of the Shenandoah is recruiting new volunteers to visit patients, garden at the Shenandoah House, help in the office, or share a special talent. To help with this rewarding work, please sign up for the training class, which starts February 24. More information is also posted on the community bulletin board

Birthdays January 26-February 1 

27 Lisa Long

28 Donald Usry

30 Phil Evans

1 Christen Burke, Heather Rawley, Sara Rawley

Our Calendar This Week

THIS           Baptism Renewal Sunday

SUNDAY    9 AM Sunday School

                   10 AM Worship

                   1:30 PM Worship at White Birch Communities

                   7 PM Youth Zoom Check-in


MON          6:30 PM Wing Fellowship Meal (Fellowship Hall) 

                   7 PM UWF Circle of Faith (Kari Palmer's home )


TUE           11 AM Bible Study & New Member Class (Library)

                   2 PM UWF Circle of Hope (Library)

                   6:30 PM UWF Circle of Love (New Beginnings Class)


WED          10 AM Prayer Team (Library)

                   6 PM Handbell Practice

                   7 PM Choir Rehearsal


THURS      5 PM Youth Night @ Bridgewater UMC


NEXT         9 AM Sunday School  

SUNDAY    10 AM Worship

                   7 PM Youth Zoom Check-in

Bridgewater UMC is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!  

Contact Us

219 N Main Street

Bridgewater, VA 22812

Call Us : 540-828-0890

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