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E-Blast Friday, June 7, 2024

Last Sunday was a wonderful celebration of God's work in the world!  We had a joyful worship service with Dayton UMC led by our youth of our combined youth group - the DUMBUMs!  We celebrated the accomplishments of 20 High School graduates, 7 Associates & Bachelor level graduates and 3 Masters & beyond graduates.  Several students shared what their faith means to them and how being a part of a church shaped them.  We came together as the body of Christ and celebrated Holy Communion together.  Thank you to Dayton UMC for hosting us at the celebration lunch!  Thank you, Whitney Reusser, for all your work making Youth Sunday such a special day! 


One of my favorite verses to share with graduates is Jeremiah 29: 11-14a


11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and will bring you back from captivity....


There are many gifts and cards for grads that have verse 11 on them, a powerful message of encouragement that God's plans for us are good and give us hope for the future.  I love the other promises in this verse. also. I love the reassurance that God will listen to us when we call on God.  And twice this passage says that we will find God when we seek God.  


The verse goes on to talk about those times when we get distant from God using words like "exile" and "captivity."  Jeremiah is talking about a time when the people of Israel were literally refugees in Babylon.  It doesn't take that to become distant from God.  There are times when our spiritual distance from God feels like an exile--being very far away and unable to return.  There are times when our hearts and minds may be held captive spiritually.


John Wesley talked about justifying grace as a time when we intentionally turn and seek God.  God says, "I will be found by you... I will bring you back from exile and captivity."  If grace is God's love that is always seeking us, always looking out for us, always working on us and the "grace that will not let me go...." then grace is the love will listen and will be found and will find us even when we feel distant, even when we make wrong choices, even in the little day to day and the big bad and scary, God offers to be found.  God offers to listen.


That is a promise for life; a promise in the midst of change; a promise for the future that we all can rely on.  Thanks be to God!      


We welcome you to join us this Sunday in person or online!  You can access our live stream from the website (  Click on "Sermons" and then "Live Steam."  You may also join us directly on YouTube at Bridgewater UMC Virginia and click on the LIVE tab.   


To God by the Glory!  Pastor Mary


Worship Volunteers
Thank you for Serving!  Sunday, June 9


8:30 - Paul & Johna McFarland

11:00 - Jim & Judy Tongue



8:30  - Sarah & Bill Walton                       

11:00 - Taylor Family



8:30 - Ed Craun

11:00 - Jim & Judy Tongue

Audio Visual

8:30 - Marc Craun

11:00 - Scott Ridder



8:30 - Madelyn & Nolan Gilkeson

11:00 - Taylor Family


Sanctuary Servers

8:30 - Sara & Bill Walton

11:00 - Jim & Judy Tongue

DUM BUM Youth News

Holy cow, y'all. YOUTH SUNDAY WAS AMAZING!!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU to each and every single person who came out and helped, supported, ate BBQ, and to each and every youth for absolutely ROCKING the service and sharing a little bit of themselves with the churches. We had a PACKED HOUSE (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) full of love and support for our DUMBUMs, especially for our class of 2024!! Seniors, we are so incredibly proud of you and we know y'all are going to do great, big, wonderful, world-rocking things. We love you so much and we are so stinking proud of you!! Parents, THANK YOU for getting your child where they needed to be on Sunday and for any and all family that joined us but might not be on this email chain, send them our love!! 




      We are hosting our own local mission trip!! So far on our agenda is restoring cubbies for Harrisonburg- Rockingham Child Day Care Center and handy work/yard work around Camp Overlook!! THIS IS 100%, ABSOLUTELY, LIKE DEAD SERIOUSLY THE LAST WEEK TO SIGN UP. SIGN UP RIGHT NOW!  SIGN UP HERE!! 


<3  Whitney

Celebrating Whitney Reusser's Ministry
with Our Children & Youth 
Reception & Card Shower June 16th

The SPRC along with the Nurture Committee will be hosting a reception in honor of Whitney Reusser on Sunday, June 16th. Whitney will be completing her time with us at BUMC with her work in Children and Youth Ministries on June 23rd.

Whitney grew up at BUMC and holds a special place in all of our hearts, so please join us on the 16th during the time following the 8:30 AM Worship service so you can share your thanks and best wishes.

We will be having a card shower for her as well. If you are unable to attend the reception, please feel free to send your card to the church or drop it off in the office. Thank you! Dawn Kern, Chair SPRC

Job Postings for BUMC

In light of Whitney's departure, the SPRC has posted the following two positions:


Director of Children's Ministries. This is a part time position, 10 /hrs/week. This person is responsible for serving BUMC with growing and envisioning a comprehensive program (spiritual formation, Christian education, nurturing, discipleship and mission) for children pre-K to 5th grade. For a detailed job description including hours and expectations, duties, needed qualifications and aptitudes, etc.. please contact Dawn Kern, SPRC chair or the church office.  The position description is also posted on our website and on Indeed.  


Director of youth Ministries (Part-time, 25/hrs/week) a combined position with Dayton UMC, affectionately referred to as the DUMBUMs.  This person is responsible for developing and managing a comprehensive program of Christian Spiritual Formation for the youth at DUMC & BUMC (DUMBUM).  This position provides the framework for building a firm foundation for our youth through youth group, retreats, mission trips, fellowship and other activities.  For a detailed job description, please contact Dawn Kern, SPRC chair, or the church office.  This position is also posted on our website and on Indeed. 

I would like to thank all those who contributed to the 75 Hygiene Kits that we sent to Conference.  Johna and Paul McFarland delivered our kits to Otterbein UMC on June 1st for pickup by UMCOR.


Thank you Dorice and Henry Graham for the generous monetary donation that allowed us to buy many supplies.


Several individuals donated items and completed kits.  Hope Circle completed many kits and Love Circle bought extra supplies and finished up the rest of the 75 kits.


Thanks again to everyone who helped out!!   Kathi Hemmis

Thank you from Project Healing Waters - Mossy Creek Invitational

Project Healing Waters - Mossy Creek Invitational was held on May 31-June 1.  Wounded Veterans enjoyed a day of fly fishing with a sponsor, guide and monitor on the beautiful banks of Mossy Creek.  It was a spectacular day of fun, laughter, tears and healing on the water. 


Bridgewater UMC Sew Caring Stitchers gives each veteran a beautiful quilt throw that is included in their welcome bag.  In addition, the Church provides space for pie baking and is a bad weather space.  Fortunately, we had incredible weather - a prayer joy!


Thank you for supporting PHW-MCI through your prayers and gifts.  If you know a wounded warrior who is struggling with physical or mental healing, please refer them to Project Healing Waters at:


Hi there!! I wanted to thank the BUMC team for the food bags that you have provided throughout the year. They have truly made such a difference and the kids have looked forward to them each week. Every week I have at least one friend come up and ask me is it time for my bag yet?. We passed out the summer bags this morning. They are going to be so thrilled! I know it is time consuming and an expense, but know you all are so dearly appreciated to both students and their families. It makes such a difference ♥


Emily Kunowsky, School Counselor, John Wayland Elementary School

News from our Friends at Blue Ridge Christian School


BRCS is pleased to offer 34 different summer camps across 3 age groups and 6 weeks, with many different themes and interests, all in a God-honoring environment. There's something for everyone! Many camps don't have a max number of participants, but many do and WILL sell out fast. Don't hesitate!  Please help us spread the word and invite your friends! 


Quick Details: 

Who is eligible: Rising K-Rising 8th graders 

What: Loads of Fun! 

When: Mon-Thursday, morning (9-12pm) or afternoon (1-4pm) sessions.

6 weeks starting June 17, No camp July 4th week.


Camp brochure, FAQs, Registration:


We look forward to having your students with us for another fun summer! Please let Julia Define know if you have any questions. 


Thankful for you, Julia Define


Birthday & Anniversary Blessings!
June 9 - 15

Happy Birthday to:


10 - Courtney Leach

10 - Freya Faith Higgs

10 - Sarah Hagan

12 - Jim Long

12 - Krystal Kenney

13 - Christy Smith

13 - Kaitlin Kunowsky

13 - Robert Holden

15 - Michelle Ridder Morrell


Happy Anniversary to:


9 - Brian & Tammy Balser

9 - Gary & Marcia Tyeryar

13 - Phil & Ramona Evans

14 - Robert & Leslie Bates

14 - Richard & Eileen Phillips

Our Calendar

June 9 - June 15, 2024

SUN -  Worship at 8:30 and 11:00

            Sunday School for all Ages

            Fellowship Hall Reserved for Graduation Party

            7 PM SPRC Meeting


MON - 5 PM Bible School

            (Reach & Relate Meeting Postponed)


TUES - 5 PM Bible School

             5:15 PM Worship Committee Meeting


WED - 9:30 AM Prayer Team (Library)

           5 PM Bible School

           7 PM Choir Practice


THU - 5 PM Bible School

Bridgewater UMC is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!  

Contact Us

219 N Main Street

Bridgewater, VA 22812

Call Us : 540-828-0890

Copyright 2024. Bridgewater United Methodist Church, All Rights Reserved.