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E-Blast Friday, June 28, 2024

Good morning, everyone!!


I'm on vacation this week and will be back with you on Sunday morning!  I'm looking forward to worshiping with you!  On Sunday at the 11:00 AM service, we have the joy and privilege of welcoming a new brother in Christ through baptism.  Wonderful!  


Thank you to the UWF for a very inspirational worship service last Sunday!  We were glad to have Rev. Dr. Marg Kutz with us and celebrate women in ministry.  Thank you!


We are planning an Outdoor Service on Sunday, July 14th at the 8:30 service to kick off Bridgewater's Lawn Party Week.  We will gather for worship and pray for the lawn party and the many volunteers that work so hard that week.  If you know of a business, civic organization or individual(s) that volunteer at the Lawn Party, please invite them to worship.  Bring a lawn chair and wear sunscreen or a hat for protection from the sun.  Note that the 11:00 worship service will be held inside that Sunday.  


We welcome you to join us this Sunday in person or online!  You can access our live stream from the website (  Click on "Sermons" and then "Live Steam."  You may also join us directly on YouTube at Bridgewater UMC Virginia and click on the LIVE tab.   


To God by the Glory!  Pastor Mary

Joys and answered prayers

We give thanks for God's grace and mercy


Prayers of Sympathy for the families of

Jackie Waters, daughter of Jim and Susan Barnes


Current Prayer Concerns

For peace in the world, for all humanity.  For peace in the Middle East and Ukraine.

For the Virginia Annual Conference, our church leaders, and those that feel far away from the UMC leadership.

For our church - its community service and its future.  For all churches around the world.

For our nation and all those in government.

People affected by natural disasters, storms and for those helping them

For BC and all college students, especially those needing financial aid.  For those making decisions on financial aid.

For all students, teachers and administrators in our schools.

For those with cancer and other illnesses and for their caregivers

For the health of our senior church family

For safe travels this summer

For our children and grandchildren and our families and friends

For all of the active duty members of our armed forces and for military veterans

For families dealing with depression, anxiety, mental health and addiction


Harold Burkholder

Don Gilkeson - surgery 6/20, home

Ben Gilmer, Becky Downeys nephew, in motorcycle accident

Dana Sheilds


Ongoing Prayer Needs of our Congregation

Marie Chaplin

Grace Fishback

Joanne Fisher

Betty Foley

Glen Goetz

Henry Graham

Rodney Hildebrand

Bob Holden

Anna Keller

Barbara Kiracofe

Claire Leeper

Doris MacDaniel

Ray Michael

Shirley Michael

Mitzi Puffenbarger

Rev Luther Ramsey

Joanne Simpkins

Christie Smith

Nancy Thomas

Marcia and Gary Tyeryar

Donald Usry


Worship Volunteers
Thank you for Serving!  Sunday, June 30


8:30 - Chuck & Sue Rexrode

11:00 - Youth/Kari Palmer



8:30  - Paul & Johna McFarland

11:00 - Youth/Taylor Family



8:30 - Joey Capuano

11:00 - Youth

Audio Visual

8:30 - Scott Ridder

11:00 - Mark Kipps



8:30 - Madelyn & Nolan Gilkeson

11:00 - YouthPalmers


Sanctuary Servers

8:30 -Sue Rexrode

11:00 -Youth/Laura & Tony Mancari

DUM BUM Youth News


Our mission trip!! Thank you to each and everyone who came out for our Mission Weekend this past Friday through Sunday! We washed up cubbies for the Harrisonburg/Rockingham Child Day Care Center to be used in their new facility, we tagged a TON of children's socks and underwear for the Children's Clothing Closet through Mission Central, and we sweated everything we had in us on Saturday, cleaning up brush and painting a deck for Camp Overlook! We also made some benches to be used with their new rock wall! Thank you to all who provided food, who sent their youth, and for loving on us as we had a wonderful weekend!! We also got to watch the Clover Hill Bucks (and Clay Guyer!!) Take a massive win over the Montezuma Braves, 15-1! Lots of fun, love, and memories! 


From Whitney:

Y'all. These past two years have been such a wild ride and I am so grateful for each and everyone of you for your impact on me and my service to the DUMBUMs. On mission trips, we always enjoy highs and lows of the week. There have been so many highs and lows these past few years, but they make up this journey and this time that we've shared together. One of my greatest highs from the past two years would have to be our Youth Sunday 2024. Seeing a full house, packed with loving faces from both congregations, loving on our wonderful DUMBUMs, and sharing a meal together, felt like the cherry on top- the greatest celebration of our DUMBUMs and I still just feel all of the love and support from that Sunday. A low *just might* have to be driving the church bus back 6 hours from Kentucky last year with food poisoning and a Walmart bag in my lap from the craziness and chaos of our ASP trip. Granted, there were many good things and funny things that happened that week, but I think all of us that were on that trip get the gist! :) Nevertheless, serving the DUMBUMs has been such a gift and I will miss each and everyone of you. I am looking forward to my next steps though! Many of you know my sister, Molly! She has opened up her own bakery in the Dayton Farmers Market (Sweet Molly Kate's!) and I am so excited to be joining her team and baking right alongside my best friend! I will also be continuing my work with Rebecca Crosby Photography, where I act as a second photographer at events, edit pictures, and act as an assistant when needed!! And finally, the absolute GREATEST next step that I'm looking forward to- Logan and I are absolutely THRILLED to become parents to a sweet, beautiful, bouncy baby BOY(!!!) this November! Thank you for all of the well wishes that Logan and I have received- your love and support means the world!! And thank you, DUMBUMs, for everything. Y'all rock!! Thank you for loving on me, loving on my family, and rooting for our DUMBUMs for the past two years.Y'all are going to do amazing things!! 



Lots and lots and lots and lots of love, 

Whitney <3

The SPRC has posted the following two positions:


Director of Children's Ministries. This is a part time position, 10 /hrs/week. This person is responsible for serving BUMC with growing and envisioning a comprehensive program (spiritual formation, Christian education, nurturing, discipleship and mission) for children pre-K to 5th grade. For a detailed job description including hours and expectations, duties, needed qualifications and aptitudes, etc.. please contact Dawn Kern, SPRC chair or the church office.  The position description is also posted on our website and on Indeed.  


Director of Youth Ministries (Part-time, 25/hrs/week) a combined position with Dayton UMC, affectionately referred to as the DUMBUMs.  This person is responsible for developing and managing a comprehensive program of Christian Spiritual Formation for the youth at DUMC & BUMC (DUMBUM).  This position provides the framework for building a firm foundation for our youth through youth group, retreats, mission trips, fellowship and other activities.  For a detailed job description, please contact Dawn Kern, SPRC chair, or the church office.  This position is also posted on our website and on Indeed. 

Birthday & Anniversary Blessings!
June 30 - July 6

Happy Birthday to:


30 - Reese Leach

30 - Stephany Plecker

30 - Jim Higgs

1 - Elizabeth Landes

2 - Shannon Harper

2 - Alan Dellinger

2 - Savannah Hagan

3 - Charlie Moore

4 - Nathan Miller

6 - Callie McDorman

6 - Deidra Hill


Happy Anniversary to:


29 - Dennis & Joan Kenney

Our Calendar

June 30 - July 7, 2024

SUN -     Worship @ 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM

              Sunday School for All Ages

              9:45 Called Council Meeting (Fellowship Hall)


MON-     6:30 PM Ruritan Club (Fellowship Hall)


TUE -    6:30 PM Valley Radio Control Flying Club (Fellowship Hall)


WED -    9:30 AM Prayer Team (Library)

              NO Choir Practice


THU -    Office Closed - Independence Day


NEXT SUN - Communion Sunday

                      Worship at 8:30 & 11 AM

                      Sunday School for all ages 

Bridgewater UMC is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!  

Contact Us

219 N Main Street

Bridgewater, VA 22812

Call Us : 540-828-0890

Copyright 2024. Bridgewater United Methodist Church, All Rights Reserved.