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E-Blast Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sunday's Worship Service is @ 10 AM
Sunday School is @ 9 AM 

Prayer for our College Students

This Sunday is our "Welcome Back to College" Sunday!  Our congregation and community is enriched by our colleges and universities, Bridgewater College, Blue Ridge Community College, James Madison University, Eastern Mennonite University and others!  God has given many the spiritual gifts of teaching and mentoring to educate others. 


Our church is starting a new ministry called The Wing Fellowship to connect church and community members with college students who are far away from home or in need of support.  If you are interested in more information, contact Rhonda Johnson or sign up in the hallway.  


Pastor Mary, Jomo Johnson, and Rhonda Johnson had the privilege of being on the Bridgewater College campus on Thursday, September 5th to reach out to our local students.  Last Sunday, we had 8 students in worship!  Praise God!  Thank you for welcoming them!  


Join me in praying for with our college students!


Father God, as I start this new chapter in college, I come to you asking for wisdom and guidance. Everything feels so uncertain right now. Please help me know how to prioritize my time and activities. Teach me to abide in you so that I dont become overwhelmed by the busyness of classes, clubs, and new friends.


Show me when I need to study, rest, or reach out to others. Give me discernment to choose positive influences that will draw me closer to you. Guard my heart from temptation or relationships that could distract me from pursuing your purposes for my life. Renew my energy when Im tired, strengthen my resolve when Im wavering, and speak truth when Im doubting myself.


Lord, keep me focused on what matters most growing in my relationship with you and living fully for your Kingdom. Surround me with a community of believers who will lift me up in prayer and speak truth over me when I stray. Give me courage to shine your light in both my words and actions so others will be drawn to you.


Help me embrace this new adventure in college with openness, while still holding everything before you in open hands. Ultimately, I acknowledge this time and all my future is in your sovereign hands. Guide me day by day to walk in your love, truth and abundant life. I trust you to direct my path because I know you are good and have a purpose for me. In Jesus name, amen.  (Reprinted from - Daniel Niranjan) 


Pastor Mary

Worship Notes


September Worship will be at 10 AM - We are extending our 10 AM worship service time through the month of September.  One item on the agenda for our September Council meeting (Monday, September 16th at 7:00 PM) will be to discuss our 10 AM worship time and make a decision for worship time going forward.  If you have any additional comments, we will receive these through Sunday, September 15th.  Please direct them to the Worship Committee, Carolyn Van Dyck, Chair.


TOMORROW September 15th we will welcome our college students back!  For fun, wear your college shirts or college colors for your school or a school team you support!  We will recognize our college students in worship. 


Don't forget our Steel Candey Brass Band Concert THIS SUNDAY EVENING at 6 PM.  Hot dog cookout starts at 5:15 PM !!! See poster below.


NEXT Sunday, September 22nd our guest speaker will be Jomo Johnson, our new DUMBUM Youth Director!  Pastor Mary will be away. 


Looking Ahead, October 6th will be World Communion Sunday!  


We are praying that all of the events and activities will be uplifting to you, your family, friends, and our community as we together lift Jesus high and spread his name and his love to all that we meet.  


We welcome you to join us this Sunday in person or online!  You can access our live stream from the website (  Click on "Sermons" and then "Live Steam."  You may also join us directly on YouTube at Bridgewater UMC Virginia and click on the LIVE tab.   


To God by the Glory!  Pastor Mary

Helpers Needed for Our Concert

1) Set Up Crew - 30 mins after worship - set up 2 tables & 30 chairs, etc.


2) During the Concert
Receive donations, answer questions, invite folks to worship & events
We have cooks & dinner servers --additional hands welcome!


 3) Clean Up Crew - 30 minutes after the concert - general clean-up


Sign up sheet in the hallway at church OR call the office 540-828-0890 or email Michelle at   Lets let our light SHINE!

Joys and answered prayers

Wayne Kipps, Mark Kipps' father, is doing much better on medication

Scott Ridder's surgery went well

We give thanks for God's grace and mercy


Prayers of sympathy for the family of:

Wayne Harold

Fay Bentz


Current Prayer Concerns

For peace and civility in our country and in the world, for all humanity.  For peace in the Middle East and Ukraine.

For the United Methodist Church and BUMC - its community service, its leaders  and its future.  For all churches around the world.

For our nation and all those in government.

People affected by natural disasters, fires in the west and hurricanes, and for those helping them

For BC and all college students, especially those needing financial aid.  For those making decisions on financial aid.

For all students, teachers and administrators in our schools.  New teachers and staff at Rocktown HS.

For those with cancer and other illnesses and for their caregivers

For the health of our senior church family

For safe travels this summer and for those on summer vacations

For our children and grandchildren and our families and friends

For all of the active duty members of our armed forces and for military veterans

For families dealing with depression, anxiety, mental health and addiction

 May God be with our First Responders as they work to make schools safe and welcoming


Beverly - Henry and Dorice Graham's daughter

Linda Looney - recovery from fall   (friend of Sharon Coakley and others)

Scott Ridder - recovering from surgery



Ongoing Prayer Needs of our Congregation

Danielle Bennington

Harold Burkholder

Karen Chamblee

Grace Fishback

Joanne Fisher

Betty Foley

Glen Goetz

Henry and Dorice Graham

Rodney Hildebrand

Deidra Hill

Bob Holden

Anna Keller

Barbara Kiracofe

Doris MacDaniel

Ray Michael

Shirley Michael

Rev Luther Ramsey

Karen Ridder

Joanne Simpkins

Vic Taylor

Nancy Thomas

Gary and Marcia Tyeryar

Donald Usry

Worship Volunteers
Thank you for Serving!  Sunday, September 15


Kathi Hemmis & Gloria Roller



Stephanie & Jim Higgs



Gloria Hildebrand

Audio Visual

Mark Kipps



Collin & Connor Palmer


Sanctuary Servers

Kathi Hemmis & Sue Rexrode

The BUMC SPRC was sad to receive the resignation letter of our Administrative Assistant, Michelle Weaver, as she has done a wonderful job in this position. She will be completing her duties in this position this week, so we wish her all the best in her new position.


The SPRC is accepting applications for the position of Administrative Assistant. The Administrative Assistant serves as the assistant to the pastoral staff in all areas of ministry, acting as the voice and face of the church to all of its public encounters. The Administrative Assistant manages all activities of the church office and performs administrative duties related to the church's mission and ministry. Hours are 9 AM - 2 PM (2:30 PM if a lunch break is taken) Monday - Thursday for a total of 20 hours/week. Additional hours may be required on occasion to attend staff meetings or Church Council meetings. For additional information or any questions, please contact Dawn Kern, SPRC Chair, at Thank you.

Clay Ellis Family of Mt. Solon, VA will present a program of Gospel Music

September 29, 2024 - 11 AM

Emmanuel Church of the Brethren

411 Emmanuel Church Road, Mt. Solon, VA

A Carry-In Meal will Follow the Program

You are Invited!!

Court Square Theater & JoeBob Productions present

"Can't Feel At Home"

an original play by Dr. John T. Glick

Adapted and Directed by Stanley W. Swartz

October 3-5 @ 7:30 PM

October 5th and 6th @ 3:00 PM

The story of families displaced from the Blue Ridge Mountains in the 1930's

to allow for the construction of the Shenandoah National Park and the Skyline Drive


Tickets:  $25 advanced, $30 at door

Amazing GOOD NEWS:
Society of St Andrew's BILLIONTH Pound Shared



This month, SoSA will share its BILLIONTH pound of food with people in need. Gleaners have shared one billion pounds of food that would have otherwise been wasted! Countless families have had food on their tables because of the hard work of gleaners, volunteers, and staff and the unwavering generosity of donors, farmers, and supporters. 


Each pound of food rescued speaks to the power we can have when we work together. SoSAs mission is to build caring communities through sharing food, and each pound of produce tells a story of that connection. We want to hear your stories! 


As SoSAs entire network celebrates, please share your stories about what SoSA means to you. Has SoSA given you opportunities to build caring communities and serve your neighbors? In what ways has SoSA made a difference in the world? Tell us about your memories of SoSA through the years. What have you gleaned, and how did it impact you?


Email and share what SoSA means to you!

Society of St Andrew Thanks YOU!

Your gift is already helping our hungry brothers and sisters!  Thank you for your $600 gift.  Already, your gift provided health and hope while putting healthy, nourishing food on the tables of individuals and families who are struggling to get by.  Partnering with The Society of St. Andrew, you engage volunteer gleaners in hands-on mission and service; you help send truckloads of fruits and vegetables to areas where they are most needed; you support local feeding agencies in every area of the country; and you reduce food waster -- all as you follow Jesus's command to feed the hungry.

Thanks so much to our congregation for supplying school supplies for our OCC boxes this year.  We made our goal of 100 of each item!


In September, we will concentrate on the hygiene items that go into our boxes for children.  We need:

              53 bars of soap (no ivory)

               63 combs

               72 toothbrushes

               74 toothbrush holders

               86 soap holders

               78 washcloths

              100 pairs of socks - various kinds, colors, boy or girl


We appreciate your support of this important church project!

On September 21st, we have an exciting Saturday planned from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm, including a hike, scavenger hunt, milkshakes, and a movie. Its going to be a fun-filled day, and were looking forward to seeing everyone there. The next day, September 22nd, Joe will be preaching, and well have an ice-cream social after church. 



Looking ahead, Dayton Days is on October 5th, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, where we'll be making and selling soup. We need at least 10 volunteers for 3 two-hour shifts, so please select a time and come help out! We're also calling on college students to volunteer this is a great opportunity for discipleship and making a difference.

Additionally, we invite all teens and parents to the Steel Candey Brass Band Concert on Sunday, September 15, 2024, at 6:00 pm at Bridgewater UMC, 219 N Main Street, Bridgewater, VA 22812. Spend an exciting evening with Steel Candey, a 13-member band of gifted musicians from Bridgewater College, who have received rave reviews for their local performances. The concert will be held on the church lawn (rain location inside). A dinner of hot dogs, chips, and drinks will be served starting at 5:15 pm. Your free will offering will support those with immediate needs. Learn more and join us for this wonderful event!



We know its early, but if you are interested in your teen going on the November 22-24 VAUMC Retreat, please contact to learn more.


Thanks,      Joe       240-328-5847

Hi, kiddos and family! Joey here! Thank you for joining and welcoming me to our Children's Ministry! I just wanted to share what is coming up for us!


NEXT Sunday, September 22, 11 AM:  Fall Art & Pizza

11:00 am - 12:00 pm, fall art, cards, and Dominos Pizza!  


Come out as we make fall posters to decorate our Church, make cards for people on our Prayer List, and eat some Dominos Pizza together!


Saturday, October 12: Potato Bar Dinner & Cider & S'mores


Before the Church Cider & S'mores event, kids and family are invited to come to a baked potato bar dinner in the Fellowship Hall! Kiddos will get to help serve family members at our baked potato bar, and then enjoy the meal themselves! Then, everyone is invited to go out and enjoy Cider & S'mores!


Bridgewater Community Halloween, Sunday afternoon at Oakdale Park: (date TBD)


The Children's Ministry Team and Pastor Mary will be teaming up to wear costumes and host a table where we can pass out candy to community members! Our kiddos can walk around the track to get candy and then help pass some out at our table if they want!


Looking ahead to our Children's Program for Christmas!


We will be having our Children's Christmas Program as part of a Service for a Sunday in Advent. We will rehearse with the kiddos during the Sunday School hour for a few of the weeks in November and early December, leading up to Christmas. More details are coming!


Thank you, and may God bless us, everyone!  Joey

BUMC Financial Snapshot Month End

Year to Date

Month End



General & Designated Fund



General & Designated Fund







The $14,154 deficit is a reduction from last month. We had very positive contributions towards our Building Fund / Painting. Designated contributions to our Building Fund / Painting project now total $10,062. Your continued support is appreciated!


Birthday & Anniversary Blessings!
September 15-21, 2024

Happy Birthday to:


15 - Julian Fisher

16 - Todd Slaubaugh

16 - Stephanie Koogler

17 - Alan MacNutt

17 - Tammy Campbell

18 - Warren Wilkeson

19 - Henry Graham

19 - Kevin Puffenbarger

20 - Patti Landes

21 - Lori Copley


Happy Anniversary to:


18 - Ryan & Heather Kiracofe

19 - Scott & Lisa Kiracofe

21 - Dennis & Shirley Hohenstein

Our Calendar September 15-22, 2024

**Please Note the time change for Worship & Sunday School in September**


SUN     9 AM Sunday School for All Ages

             10 AM Worship - Generosity While Building

              5 PM Faith Bible Class Picnic (Wildwood Park)

              6 PM Steel Candey Brass Band Concert (dinner starts at 5:15)

              7  PM Youth Zoom Call


MON        2 PM Hope Circle Meeting (New Beginnings Classroom)

                6 PM Finance Committee Meeting

                 6:30 Love Circle Meeting (New Beginnings Classroom)

                 TBA Faith Circle Meeting

                 7 PM Church Council Meeting


WED     9:30 AM Prayer Team (Library)

             12 PM Soup & You (Fellowship Hall)

              6 PM Handbell Practice

              7 PM Choir Rehearsal



          9 AM Sunday School for All Ages

         10 AM Worship - Jomo Johnson, Guest Speaker

           1:30 Lead Worship at White Birch

            7 PM Youth Zoom Call

Bridgewater UMC is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!